Post 4 : Hobbies

Hello everybody! 

In this blog I want to talk about my different hobbies, some of them due to the pandemic I have not done them again. Also, considering the current situation I prefer to stay at home and thanks to this I have been able to read all the pending novels I had. Call me a romantic, but I think there is nothing like having a book in my hands, turning the pages, feeling the smell of old or new paper. And, add to that a cup of coffee and a cold day, and I feel like I'm in paradise.

But in this time of seclusion it has not all been about reading, I have also dedicated myself to other activities. In addition to watching a couple of great movies on Netflix and the occasional series before bed, I've taken the time to dance. This has become one of my favorite hobbies, when I wake up I try to dance to the rhythm of my favorite songs to start the day off right and before sleeping I also do it to be able to rest deeply, at least it works perfectly for me.

I hope everyone can find hobbies to get through this pandemic!


  1. I also preferred to stay home in the pandemic.

  2. Many people's hobby is watching movies or series on Netflix. Do a marathon! hahaha

  3. Dancing is cool. I do it as well when nobody's watching me haha.


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