Post 8: English Language Challenges

Hello everyone!

No doubt this blog is special for everyone, and we couldn't say goodbye without talking about this great language.

For my part, I would have loved to attend each class, but as I work my schedule doesn't allow me to be in these, but certainly each video of the classes helped me a lot to learn new things about English and increase my desire to learn more.  That's why I think it's a great idea to have this course at the university to acquire knowledge about the language and put it into practice... ¡I would love to be able to use it in other countries!

When I think about the aspects of English that I need to improve, the first thing is my pronunciation and increasing my vocabulary to be able to speak more fluently. Also, many times my anxiety and nervousness are a barrier to dare to speak in English and make mistakes, because from the mistakes I could learn. 

Because of this, and to keep improving during these vacations, I will watch more English classes on Youtube and also use the Bussu app, so it's more interactive. 

Finally, apart from the classes I always listen to music in English, now finishing this chaotic period of exams I will start listening to Podcast and I will follow several tips to learn more, if you have recommendations or tips please comment them, I would appreciate every help!

Greetings to all!


  1. Yes, I would also like to practice English in other countries.

  2. I believe that listening to songs in English and reading their lyrics in English and Spanish helps to understand and memorize certain words

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. If you devote time to English, I know you will be able to learn it.

  5. I recommend you to watch movies in English without subtitles, I hope it´ll be useful to you!


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