
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2021

Post 4 : Hobbies

Hello everybody!  In this blog I want to talk about my different hobbies, some of them due to the pandemic I have not done them again. Also, considering the current situation I prefer to stay at home and thanks to this I have been able to read all the pending novels I had. Call me a romantic, but I think there is nothing like having a book in my hands, turning the pages, feeling the smell of old or new paper. And, add to that a cup of coffee and a cold day, and I feel like I'm in paradise. But in this time of seclusion it has not all been about reading, I have also dedicated myself to other activities. In addition to watching a couple of great movies on Netflix and the occasional series before bed, I've taken the time to dance. This has become one of my favorite hobbies, when I wake up I try to dance to the rhythm of my favorite songs to start the day off right and before sleeping I also do it to be able to rest deeply, at least it works perfectly for me. I hope everyone can fi

Post 3: Climate Change

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about climate change that affects the entire planet as a result of human activities and the possible solutions to combat it. It ' s important to mention that despite the small actions that people take to reduce emissions, these measures are still insufficient to achieve greater change.  Due to the above, the role played by countries is fundamental, the planet needs large scale measures to be able to face climate change, therefore, the decisions taken by governments are transcendental for people to have a better option for the future. Among the possible solutions to be implemented are the promotion of green energies, such as wind, solar, geothermal and ocean energy, as well as protecting and restoring key ecosystems for life on earth. We must never forget that if we fail to stop global warming soon, the changes will be catastrophic, putting more and more ecosystems and people at risk. This is a race against time and unfortunately, we are losing it;